A letter from our President

To our clients and prospective clients: 
Tri 7 Services is a division of the GINESYS Corporation. This division is focused on delivering consulting services that will make a strategic difference for our client’s businesses.
We certainly don’t do everything, but we can help you achieve the strategic goals you have for your company in ways that might not be evident on the surface.
We have more opportunities than time and resources, so we don’t want to be wasting anyone’s time. Our specialty services can make a big difference for the right clients, but we are not for everyone. If it becomes apparent that we cannot help you make a strategic difference, we will tell you and move on to our other opportunities.
Many consultants provide analysis, advice, and develop plans, but then leave it to the client to implement. When we take on a client, our role is to work alongside the client until the benefit from implementation is achieved. We can only service a few clients at a time, so we can afford to be picky. If we think we can help you, we will enjoy working closely with you to deliver the benefits of an effective implementation.
We have a small team, and I will personally be integrally involved throughout the full lifetime of our client engagements—personally ensuring that we do the very best we can. If you would like to know more about me, we have included an extended biographical sketch of me  here.
If you would like to explore the possibility of engaging us to help you and your company, please send me an email at  rrouth@tri7services.com, or call me between the hours of 9am and 5pm EST at 828.429.6849. I look forward to speaking with you.
Richard L. Routh